TRACR x The Clear Cut

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Clear Cut Couples: Franki and Justin

Justin is originally from Kentucky and Franki was born and raised on Long Island... there would have been little chance of crossing paths without the help of mutual friends! Turns out, it’s a smaller world than they could have imagined. The story goes like this: Justin’s friend from law school is named Scott. Scott’s girlfriend at the time went to college with Justin and Franki’s friend Alex. Alex and Scott were in the same location on separate bachelor/bachelorette parties. Scott brought up to Alex that he wanted to set Justin up. Since Alex already knew Justin’s personality she instantly thought of Franki! They gave Justin her number and he texted shortly after. That’s how it all started!

Their first date was at Hotel Hugo on their rooftop. Since it was a blind date and Franki had no idea what Justin looked like, she called him when she got there to meet by the elevator doors. Franki said, “My first impression of him was that he was well dressed with a lot of confidence. Before I got there he asked me what my drink of choice was and when he walked me to our table there were two different tequila based cocktails waiting for me to try. He said he couldn’t choose so he got me both.” Just as they were going to the rooftop, it started down-pouring. They quickly ran inside, got the check, and continued their date over at The Standard. They made The Standard their late night cap bar for the next few dates. And they have been together since!! June 1st is their three year anniversary!!

They have so many incredible moments that they have shared together from vacations, to meeting each other’s families for the first time, to the first time they said I love you, to moving in together. One highlight of their relationship is their family. They have felt like a large family for a long time. Despite the distance between Kentucky and New York both of their parents have made such an effort to get to know each other... but it doesn’t stop there. During quarantine they have had happy hours, Trivia nights, and Zoom cooking classes that have included cousins, aunts, and grandparents on both sides. It’s truly something special.

There is nothing more that Franki loves than planning a party -- quarantine is no different!  They  were supposed to go to the Kentucky Derby this year with Justin’s family and friends however COVID-19 prevented them from getting there so Franki thought it would be fun to bring the Kentucky Derby to them. She immediately asked his parents and siblings if they wanted to set up a Zoom the evening of Saturday, May 2nd to do their Derby party. Justin’s mom sent a list of all the Derby staples from Derby popular food and drinks to the cups they should be sipped from. She ordered Derby themed decorations, fake grass to replicate turf, placed a Revolve order for the perfect Derby Rose shirt and of course ordered Derby Fasinators. Franki was cooking and preparing all of Saturday and finally it was time to get on to Zoom with his family and both of their grandparents. Everyone was in their Derby attire with either a mint Julep or bourbon in hand. 

“Justin started making a speech thanking my parents and his parents. I could tell he was emotional but I thought it was just speech jitters, all of a sudden Justin turns to me and says there is just one thing missing and gets down on his knee. I was so surprised, excited, and needless to say emotional. I started crying and before he could even finish his question I said YESSS RIGHT AWAY. I cannot believe that everyone pulled off this engagement surprise.” Turns out, Franki was able to plan her own party without having any idea how the ending would turn out! The engagement wouldn’t be what it was without the thoughtfulness of Justin’s parents and Justin’s future sister in law. They shipped customized cookies, a neon sign that said “The Vines,” engagement themed balloons and a customized jean jacket! They went above and beyond to make it so special even though they weren’t physically there. Franki’s brother took on the role of photographer. He had everyone all over the house capturing the moment since he knew they would want to look back on the day and remember it. It was a team effort by everyone -- they felt so loved!

Franki Said, “Surprised is the understatement of the century. I never saw this coming. And the ring... omg the ring! The ring is absolutely beautiful and single handedly takes my breath away each and every time I look at it!” Congrats Franki and Justin!! We are SO happy for you and can’t wait for the wedding details!


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