TRACR x The Clear Cut

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Clear Cut Couples: Dana and Christen

Dana and Christen met online -- they’re “dating app fools” as they like to put it. A new app came out called Happn' and they must have downloaded it around the same time. Christen was the first and only person Dana met on the app. He was on 17th street and she was walking up 18th Street when they "crossed paths." At the time Christen was living on 17th and 5th so he could have just been on his sofa or walking down the street. Regardless, he messaged Dana and asked her out to drinks. Because the app was still in Beta mode, Dana didn’t get the message for a few days. When she did, she immediately responded with some jokes about being a mom with a three-year-old (it was a test to see if he could be easily scared off -- clearly, he wasn’t).

He still wanted to get drinks, so much so, that they had a date for 7:00pm that night. They planned to meet at Eately. When Dana arrived, she saw him and watched as he walked right past her and rushed into the building. She says he was so tall and handsome that she sort of just stood there for a minute and sent him a message to come back out.  She made a joke that he was already trying to take her grocery shopping and skipping a lot of steps.

After that, they went to the Flatiron Room and had the best time. Actually, it went so well they went to eat, then another bar, and after that date, he never let Dana go a single day without him in it. They will have been together for four years on April 2nd. She says, “he has been nothing short of amazing and we have had our ups and downs, but we are already a wonderful family, now we're going to celebrate it officially!”

On January 2nd, 2019 they arrived at Outpost Vineyards and the parking lot was empty. Christen looked over at Dana and casually said that they were closed for the day, but made an exception for us. Dana figured that he just knew someone, who knew someone at work and she didn’t really think anything of it. She was just excited to go explore and sip some fine wine!

A woman greeted them with two glasses and proceeded to give them a wonderful tour. The photographer was basically in plain sight, but they explained to the two of them that she was doing some promotional and marketing material. Again, Dana didn’t think twice about it. Soon, it was lunchtime. They were waiting at an overlook of a beautiful valley and she proceeded to do what she can almost always be found doing... taking pictures.  

Christen watched very patiently while she lined up their glasses and the wine bottle. She was clueless while he was sweating behind her. Dana turned around to Christen down on one knee and she instantly thought he was just messing with her… until she saw the box. That box enclosed the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. She walked away, gasped in shock, and took a few minutes to get words out. Dana says, “no one ever surprises me and pulls it off. I’m too good of a detective. But he did.” Christen pulled this off so perfectly and flawlessly. Eventually, she walked back and stared at the most beautiful ring and managed to get the words out, YES YES YES. It was magical.

Dana was so surprised and in awe of her super skinny oval solitaire ring. “It was a movie worthy moment and meant the world to both of us,” she said. Their wedding plans are not nailed down at all yet. Their thoughts so far are: get married in Dana’s hometown in a church (that they are both in love with) or a destination wedding. Right now they are enjoying the bliss. Congrats Dana and Christen -- we are so happy for you and cannot wait to hear about the wedding!