Clear Cut Couples: Jerry and Erica

Jerry and Erica met in high school in 2011, although Jerry had his eye on Erica since 8th grade. As their friend groups started hanging out on a regular basis, the two grew close. Group hangouts turned into Jerry frequently showing up unannounced at Erica’s house after school. Even though Jerry often skipped class, he never missed a study hall that he knew Erica would be in. Ask anyone and they’ll tell you that Jerry had the BIGGEST crush on her, but stubborn in her ways, as she still is today, Erica kept Jerry at arm’s length in the dreaded “friend zone.” Truthfully, she was only putting off the inevitable.

Jerry had asked Erica to be his date to senior prom and, though they were only going as friends, something about holding his hand that night made Erica realize maybe there was something special there. Jerry and Erica have been together since the Summer of 2013!

They have shared countless memories over the years! Jerry made his way to Europe to visit Erica studying abroad in Barcelona, where they also ventured to Venice, Paris, and Morocco. This was just the beginning of the world traveling that the couple would grow to adore, currently at 14 countries and counting.

One of those very adventures landed them in Chania, Crete in the Fall of 2022 where Jerry pulled off the surprise of all time. If you ask either of them, they’ll tell you that nothing gets by Erica. She’s always two steps ahead and knows exactly what Jerry is going to say or do before he does it. Needless to say, she was speechless when Jerry dropped to one knee and asked her to be his forever in front of dozens of strangers in the beautiful Venetian harbor. Paralyzed with shock, Jerry reassured her and told her not to be afraid. It was at that moment; she knew that a lifetime with her best friend was the easiest “yes” this indecisive girl would ever make.
That night, she woke up 20 times to make sure her ring hadn't gone missing from her finger. She absolutely loves it in every way. Jerry and Erica are getting married in Rye, NH in July of 2024, followed by a honeymoon to Mallorca and the South of France. Congrats you two! We are SO happy for you!
Photos by: @antonis_kelaidis