Clear Cut Couples: Rick and Lily
Rick and Lily met in high school when Lily was a freshman and Rick was a sophomore but they didn't start dating for another two years. It was a Friday night after school and they went to watch "The Ides of March" after school but it was such a bad choice because it was so boring, they started to fall asleep! So they ditched the movie and went to grab dinner afterwards. They shared an innocent kiss on the cheeks as they parted ways for the night. The following Monday, he picked her up from the bus stop with flowers and asked her to be his girlfriend. AWW!

They have been together for over 9.5 years now! They have shared countless incredible memories together! Their first international trip was to Paris. And since then, they have been to so many memorable places like Italy, Tulum, Montreal, London, and more. But their most favorite trip that they have been on was to Japan in October 2019. It was such an amazing trip and they have been dying to go back since! Another highlight in their lives was moving in together last year and bringing home their Golden Retriever puppy, Hazel.

Rick proposed on their trip to Hawaii in April. On the day of the proposal, they went on a sunrise hike at Lanikai Pillbox. The view was overlooking the exact spot that he was going to propose at but she didn't know it yet. They then quickly changed afterwards because he had told her he booked a nice breakfast for them at a nice restaurant. Instead of taking her to the "restaurant", he took her to Lanikai Beach, where he had prepared a special beach picnic for the two of them. She was so surprised and that's when he got down on one knee.

She had her suspicions that a proposal might be happening on the trip but she had assumed that it would happen at sunset because she loves sunsets! She had no idea it would happen on the beach at sunrise and didn't expect the picnic at all.

Rick said, “She loves the ring! It is exactly what she wanted and she couldn't stop gushing at it all trip long. She pretty much took pictures of the ring everywhere they went for the rest of the trip!”

They’re currently planning their wedding for August 2022! It will be a small wedding with their closest friends and family, and of course Hazel will be as well! Congrats you two! We are SO happy for you!