TRACR x The Clear Cut

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Clear Cut Couples: Sean and Danielle

Sean and Danielle met in the craziest way! Danielle was working as a nurse in the pediatric cardiac ICU, and Sean’s nephew was born, and needed open heart surgery. She had stopped in to say hello to the family as they prepared for his surgery day, and Sean was sitting in the room visiting. Danielle apparently caught his eye, and then he later reached out to his friend who happened to also be a nurse on her unit, to ask about meeting her. Here they are, 3 years later!


For their first date, they went to dinner at the New York Beer Project, a restaurant around where Danielle lived at the time. They got a little table on the rooftop and had the best time. Sean then came over and met her pup, Wellesley and they continued to talk for so many hours that night. Danielle said, “I remember feeling shocked at how easy it was to talk to him, and how much he seemed to genuinely care about me and my story.”

They have shared countless incredible memories since then. Danielle said, “Sean is truly my best friend. I never really believed in finding your person, until I met him. He’s the better half of me, and we are the perfect balance together.” She screen shotted some messages between them in the first year together. Now re-reading them, she is shocked at how she knew from the very beginning that they would end up here.


They moved in together early on in the pandemic, and some of their favorite times spent were long walks on the canal, which is why their engagement was so special. They have two perfect mini goldendoodles who they love and adore! They have also been on some amazing vacations, love spending time at Danielle’s family’s lake house in the 1000 islands, and have both grown immensely in their careers since they started dating. They are so excited to get married in August, as their dating anniversary, engagement anniversary, and now wedding anniversary will all be in that month!

For the proposal, Sean reached out to a photographer Danielle knew and loved! He had her fake a photo shoot at this location that she “was dying to shoot at.” The photographer messaged Danielle and set the whole thing up, from the date and the time, and even outfit ideas. Danielle honestly thought nothing of the day it happened. Sean came home from work and was sitting on the couch as he always does, petting the dogs, and having an afternoon coffee. The weather was horrible, super humid and hot, and pouring rain. Danielle kept wondering why the photo shoot was not being canceled. Finally, about 5 minutes before they were supposed to leave, the rain stopped and they left the house! They were going to a brewery in Pittsford on the canal, which is a place that they have walked many many times. They got there and the photographer waited until they were in the groove of shooting, and then she was posing them back and back and had Danielle turn around to Sean down on one knee. Danielle was just absolutely stunned and said, “the way I felt in that moment was indescribable, and a moment I’ll never forget.”


Danielle definitely had her suspicions when she was originally talking to the photographer, but was convinced it was nothing by the time the actual day arrived. Looking back, between the weather and the way Sean was acting, it was such a normal day! She couldn’t believe all the planning and preparation that was going on behind the scenes, that she learned about after it happened.

She said, “My ring is absolutely stunning in every way. I love cushion cuts, and rose gold, but nothing could’ve ever prepared me for the real thing! The quality, the cut, the details, it is absolutely perfect and suits me so well! I could not love it more.” They plan to get married at a beautiful new venue called The Seneca Ridge in Geneva, NY in August next year. Danielle's dream is to get married in a sailcloth tent and this venue is perfectly halfway between both of their families. It could not be more perfect! Congrats you two! We are SO happy for you!


Photographer: @juliahart___